
Archive for April, 2014

It has been ages since I’ve blogged.  This winter every time I thought of it, it seemed as if all I could do was whine.  Who wants to read anything from a whiner?  Even the writer doesn’t.  So finally the winter is over, spring is here.  Our daffodils and tulips have bloomed and Bruce has planted the vegetable garden.

After the epic ice storm of February 2014, we spent a bundle on the tree removal — somebodies’ kid got a year of college on our nickel.  However, we hire the good guys — the ones who are bonded and insured, have the proper equipment and know-how, whose employees are wearing safety goggles and helmets, even though we had to wait a month for our turn.  They come on time, do the job right, and leave only after cleaning up.  We watched last year what happened to our neighbors who hired Joe Schmoe and his Stooges to do their tree removal.  They broke things on their property that have yet to be fixed.  I knew they were yo-yos when none of the workmen were wearing safety equipment.  If you’re so stupid to stand under a falling tree branch without putting on a hard hat, what other ignorant decisions are you making?  Obviously the owner is equally dumb and careless to even let his employees work under such conditions.  (He must like to play Russian roulette with workman’s compensation.)  I shudder to think. . . .

The deluge of yellow pollen, which is a rite of (pine tree) spring here, is on the way out.  Today it is raining hard and we’re praying that it washes away aaaallllll the pollen.  I’ve cleaned off the screened porch and will work on the flower pots on the deck this week.  I bought a new Boston fern and a new deep red geranium.  I haven’t yet looked for impatiens or petunias for the boxes hanging on the rails.  It is so pretty and relaxing out there, especially at the end of the day with a large glass of cold tea.  Heaven.  And if Bruce is grilling — aahh, a double dose of heaven.

Happy Spring, everyone, wherever you are!

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